Being Proactive Not Reactive in Your Marketing

Very few people saw the recession coming.

Even fewer were ready for it when it did finally hit.

Some will get lucky, however luck should not be a strategy for you.

What you should do instead is prepare well upfront about what could happen in the future if you do not take action right this second to prevent disaster.

The world is changing no doubt any you can’t relay on ‘old tactics’ to work anymore.

However there is a saviour. A new gold standard in proven, effective and replicable strategies that will be sure too smoothen out any roadblocks that come upon your business in the future.

Buddhism has the concept of impermanence “Everything changes, nothing remains without change” and depending how you look upon this it can be you key to a stronger future.

It all starts by looking at trends to see where things are going, in the 22 Immutable laws of Marketing Al Ries talks about how successful product launches are built of trends not fads. To predict where your market is going in the future, look at the trends that it is going to be built upon not on the fads here and there.

For example if you look at youtube’s traffic increasing in a solid manor year on year. That is a trend that videos are working well and it only takes that next step of creating valuable content that will get seen by your target audience to take advantage of the situation.

Make sure that you are always on the lookout for ways to be one step ahead in your marketing, as what is currently working now is not always the way it will be working in one year from now.


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